Priceless early care and education in Washington DC

Educare DC, a Head Start provider, is more than just a daycare or childcare program. We are your partner for preparing your child for success in school and life. Safe, fun, and challenging, Educare unleashes your child’s curiosity to build a lifetime love of learning—providing the highest quality care and education to families.

The first five years matter. Make them count with Educare DC. Confident and capable—children who attend Educare have the skills they need to do well in kindergarten and beyond. We partner with parents and use a Pre-K and early education curriculum that’s proven to work—and we’re always improving.

We serve children eligible for Early Head Start and Head Start—prenatal to 5 years—with a year-round weekday program. Open from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm. 

Three teachers in each class. Healthy breakfast, lunch, supper, and snack are included at no charge. All in our beautiful indoor/outdoor facility.

Educare does everything research shows works best: child-centric project-based learning, pre-literacy, early math, and a focus on developing social, emotional and behavioral skills. 

Our family engagement specialists provide health, wellness, and custom supports for children with special needs. Educare DC outscores other DC pre-K programs on quality assessments.

The Moms2Be prenatal program empowers mothers through the continuum of pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting by offering resources and community connection.

We provide support for mothers and babies, ensuring they have access to prenatal care, providing parenting and birthing classes, and even helping secure high-quality early learning in an Early Head Start program, either at Educare DC or one of our partner sites.

Enroll Today!

We are now accepting applications for both Early Head Start and pre-k for Fall enrollment. Learn more today!

We're Hiring!

We are always looking for great teachers and staff to join us! Join our team.

New Strategic Plan

Educare DC Three-year Priorities Plan
View the plan.