Welcome to the Educare DC Family Resource Hub! Educare DC’s Family Resource Hub provides our current and past families with the most up-to-date resources available in the DC area, from subsidized housing to vital documents. Whether your family is experiencing food insecurity or homelessness, is transitioning to permanent housing, or wants to know about valuable resources that can be beneficial, the Educare DC Family Resource Hub is here to provide you with the necessary information.

The Educare DC Family Resource Hub is a comprehensive collection of resources aimed at fostering positive outcomes for children, families, and communities. By harnessing the wealth of resources available within our communities, Educare DC strives to support the holistic development and well-being of children, enhance family dynamics, and strengthen the fabric of our communities.

Creating this hub is our way of contributing to the efforts to improve the awareness and accessibility of community resources to our past, current, and potentially new families. However, this information is available to all individuals that happen to navigate our website. We have taken the time to do the leg work for you to research and compile various categories of resources and opportunities within the community that you or someone you know could benefit from. Please feel free to frequently visit, utilize and share our digital resource hub!